Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Differences and Similarities between Mis Sold Mortgage and Mis Sold PPI

Apparently mortgage and Payment Protection Insurance PPI policies in Uk were made to cater the needs of borrowers, they were made to provide relief to the borrowers (the term borrowers here includes not just the individuals who are facing some financial problems and want loans to buy house or start a new business but also big companies and firms who aim to extend their business). But unfortunately these policies turned out to be more in favor of lenders and the mortgage or PPI brokers, while selling them to the borrowers they were unfair and thought only about their profits and not about the difficulties that borrowers were to face.

Mortgage is a debt instrument where a person takes a loan by pledging some real estate property against it and pays back the loan in installments. However, according to the statistics the problem of missold mortgage comes almost hand in hand with the usage of mortgage. At the time when mortgages are being sold the brokers does not fully disclose information in front of the customers. And the customers trusting the advice of the brokers sometimes end up buying overly priced mortgages which makes it difficult for them to keep pace with their required installment payments.

Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) on the other hand, is a policy which is used to cover debt in case a person becomes unable to earn like if a person dies, looses the job, becomes handicapped or ill. In such circumstances the insurance company will pay for the installments. However, this is not how it happens the insurance companies at times refuse to pay the installments when the borrowers claim. There are also other problems associated with buying this policy; many times borrowers have no idea that they are acquiring PPI policy along with mortgage loans. Also sometimes PPI is forcefully added to the policy and there are also case where buyers are not given full information and they end up buying PPI at higher rate. These are all the problems of missold PPI.

Missold PPI and missold mortgage are two different problems but in essence they are the same. In both the cases, borrowers are the ones who face the repercussions. Sometimes in the form of paying extra money as installments payment and sometimes getting the claims turned down from the insurance company in an event where they are supposed to pay on behalf of the borrowers. Both of these issues affected so many people in UK that the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and Office of Fair Trading (OFT) both decided to intervene and to provide a solution for this problem. They made general guidelines as to how these PPI and mortgage should be sold and what actions should be taken against those who violate them.

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